Young Adults: Married or Single

Sunday Mornings

8:30 – 9:00am Free breakfast and fellowship
9:00 – 9:30am —
Small Group Bible Study
Worship Service

Sunday Nights

5:45pm  Spiritual Growth Process
i.e. Cost of Discipleship, Discipleship 1, Discipleship 2, Ministry Tools and Training, Financial Peace, DivorceCare, GriefShare, and more!


Wednesday Nights

6:30pm — House of Prayer

Young Adult: Singles 

Ages 18-30

Location: Axis
Directors: Doug and Kellie Halbrooks

Young Adult: Marrieds

Nearly weds and Newly weds

Location: Room A208
Teachers: Seth and Nikki Keenum

Thursday Evenings

We have a worship on the night last Thursday of every month.

6 – 6:30pm — coffee and donuts 

6:30pm — worship service

To find out more about our upcoming worship night, click the image below.

How can we pray for you?
Email Pastor Seth